"Dune" stars Kyle MacLachlan as Paul Atredies, heir to the great noble house of Atredies. Based on the 1965 novel by Frank Herbert, this epic science fiction opera follows the struggle between House ...
It feels like I’m staring into the abyss, but the abyss is being aloof. Not rude exactly, but not friendly either. A little eye contact would be nice. But no, David Lynch movies always refused to ...
Lynch expanded on the dark side of double lives and desire in a small town with the television show “Twin Peaks,” which premiered on ABC in 1990. Originally intended as a miniseries, the show’s ...
We're facing the final two weekends of shows being held to honor the club. All will include performances by local musicians who have long played there.
Lynch was someone who created art, and a lot of it, across many different mediums. Not all of it was “acclaimed” or “visionary” or any of those critic’s terms, either. But he kept doing it. He kept ...
"I never had more fun on a film set than working with David Lynch. He will always be solid gold." Meanwhile, Naomi dec lared her heart to be "broken" as she thanked the director for putting her "on ...