In the wake of devastating wildfires in Los Angeles that struck at the heart of the movie industry, the nominations to the 97th Academy Awards have been announced, and Canadian stories and artists ...
Lynch expanded on the dark side of double lives and desire in a small town with the television show “Twin Peaks,” which premiered on ABC in 1990. Originally intended as a miniseries, the show’s ...
David Lynch was a director of some of the highest-rated movies that redefined the surrealist genre. Here's a list.
Director, filmmaker, and artist David Lynch recently passed away. Here's a look at how his biggest works impacted movies and ...
He had dropped out of university to see Europe, and he had left home as well. This departure marked the beginning of Lynch's ...
From "Twin Peaks" to his films to his own recording career, the director understood how much sound mattered — not only to the ...
Tokyo, Japan, November 1984: Director David Lynch at a press conference in Tokyo. Lynch was in town promoting his latest film ...
Martin Scorsese has said the death of "visionary" director David Lynch is a "sad day for moviemakers, movie lovers, and for the art of cinema".
David Lynch, iconic filmmaker of Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet, dies at 78. Learn about his cause of death, legacy, and impact on cinema.
Durham cinephiles can experience Lynch’s work at two upcoming tribute screenings. The Carolina Theatre will present a free ...
Find out where to stream as many David Lynch movies as you can – including "Mulholland Drive" and "Twin Peaks." ...
With such hallucinogenic masterworks as 'Eraserhead,' 'Blue Velvet,' 'Mulholland Drive,' 'Twin Peaks' and 'The Elephant Man,' ...